澳门新葡萄新京(6663-XPJ认证)网站-Standard Edition

中文姓名: 陈智玮

英文姓名:Chiwei Chen


南佛罗里达大学(美国) 工业工程博士

University of South Florida (USA), PhD (Industrial Engineering)



2.澳门城市大学 硕士生导师

MBA Supervisor, Faculty of Business of City University of Macau (China)


1.期刊论文 (近5年)

(1) Lei, H., Chen, Chiwei*, and L. Luo, 2024, The examination of the relationship between learning motivation and learning effectiveness: a mediation model of learning engagement, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (HSSCOMMS), 11(137), 1-11. (SSCI; A&HCI, Q1)

(2) Lei, H., Chiwei Chen*, Y. Lu, and L. Pao, 2023. The Influence of Department Stores’ Price Promotion Strategy Toward Consumers’ Repurchase Intentions: A Moderation Model of Perceived Risks, International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 15(1), 1-24.(ESCI)

(3) Chen, Chiwei, K. Zhang, C. M. Chen, and L. Pao, 2023. The Impact between Motivational Characteristics of Job and Job Satisfaction-A Moderation Model of Personality Traits in a High-Tech Industry, International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 14(1), 1-19. (ESCI)

(4) Chen, Chiwei, L. Pao, & H. Lei, 2022, The Examination of Job Separation Tendency of Nursing Staff in the First Public-Private Joint-Venture Hospital in Taiwan: A Multiple Mediation Model of Job Satisfaction and Job Performance, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (HSSCOMMS), 9(425), 1-15. (SSCI; A&HCI, Q2)

(5) Chen, Chiwei & J. Chen, 2022, A New Resource Recovery Process for Refining Sludge Generated by a Paper Manufacturing Company, International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information System (IJAEIS), 13(1), 1-23. (EI)

(6) Chen, Chiwei, 2022, The Improvement of Screen Glass Opening-and-bundling Process for Manufacturing Medium-sized Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Screen, Journal of Quality, 29(5), 378-398. (EI)

(7) Chen, Chiwei, L. Pao, H. Lei, & M. Shieh, 2022, The Process Improvement of Manufacturing Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol.18, Issue S2, 57-58. (SCI, Q4)

(8) Chen, Chiwei, M. Hsieh, and Y. Lee, 2021, Initiate an Action Plan to Search for the Habitats of Marine Algae—a Potential Medicine: Study on the Ocean Territories Near the Fishing Ports in Southern Taiwan, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, Vol.128, Issue S3, 89-89. (SCI, Q2)

(9) Chen, Chiwei, M. Hsieh, J. Liou, and Y. Lin, 2021, Studies on the Functional Component from Native Marine Algae in Taiwan, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, Vol.128, Issue S3, 88-88. (SCI, Q2)

(10) Chen, C., K. Zhang, and Chiwei Chen*, 2021, Influence of Psychological Capital on Internship Satisfaction and Work Behavior, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, Vol.128, Issue S3, 87-88. (SCI, Q2)

(11) Zhang, K., C. Chen, and Chiwei Chen*, 2021, Study on College Students’ Willingness to Stay in Hospital after Internship—The Mediation Effect of Self-efficacy, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, Vol.128, Issue S3, 86-87. (SCI, Q2)

(12) Chen, Chiwei, 2021, The Study on the Store Image of Hypermarkets: An Empirical Study of Carrefour, Fe-Amart and Costco in Taiwan, International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM), 12(3), 205-221. (ESCI)

(13) Chen, Chiwei, 2021, Implementation of an Environmentally Friendly Approach of a Hospital: Practice of Medical Waste Disposal, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 728, 012004. (EI)

(14) Chen, Chiwei, September 2020, The Development of a Life-saving Intelligent Clothing, IEEE Xplore. (EI)


(1) Zhao, W. & Chiwei Chen*, 24-25 November, 2023, The study of the relationship between college students’ entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurial intention: A mediation model of satisfaction with innovation and entrepreneurship curriculums, 2023 Annual Conference of the System Engineering Society of Guangdong Province.

(2) Chen, Chiwei, L. Pao, H. Lei, & M. Hsieh, 29-31 January, 2022, The process improvement of manufacturing active pharmaceutical ingredients, Proceedings of the 4th 2022 International Conference on Advances in Biological Science and Technology (ICABST), ID#B2223.

(3) Chen, Chiwei, M. Hsieh, J. Liou, and Y. Lin, 28 September 2021, Studies on the Functional Component from Native Marine Algae in Taiwan, Proceedings of 2021 International Workshop on Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research (WPCR2021), ID#MSB41101.

(4) Chen, Chiwei, M. Hsien, and Y. Lee, 28 September 2021, Initiate an Action Plan to Search for the Habitats of Marine Algae—a Potential Medicine: Study on the Ocean Territories Near the Fishing Ports in Southern Taiwan, Proceedings of 2021 International Workshop on Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research (WPCR2021), ID#MSB42501.

(5) Zhang, K, C. Chen, and Chiwei, Chen*, 28 September 2021, Study on College Students’ Willingness to Stay in Hospital after Internship—The Mediation Effect of Self-efficacy, Proceedings of 2021 International Workshop on Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research (WPCR2021), ID#MSB5041.

(6) Chen, Chiu-Mei, K. Zhang, and Chiwei, Chen*, 28 September 2021, Influence of Psychological Capital on Internship Satisfaction and Work Behavior, Proceedings of 2021 International Workshop on Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research (WPCR2021), ID#MSB5051.

(7) Chen, Chiwei, November 28-December 01, 2020, The Study of Quality Stability of Calcination Powders, Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Advanced Technology Innovation, Okinawa, Japan, ID#CA201.

(8) Chen, Chiwei, November 19-21, 2020, Implementation of an Environmentally Friendly Approach of a Hospital-Practice of Medical Waste Disposal, Proceedings of 2020 11th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Beijing, China, ID#V8004.

(9) Chen, Chiwei, October 23-27, 2020, The Improvement of Screen Glass Opening and Bundling Process for Manufacturing Medium-sized Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Screen, Proceedings of the 9th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2020, Taichung, Taiwan, ID#J216.

(10) Chen, Chiwei, May 29-31, 2020, The Development of Life-saving Intelligent Clothing, Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability, Tainan, Taiwan, ID#EC200003.

(11) Chen, Chiwei, and J. Chen, May 29-31, 2020, A New Process for Refining Sludge Generated by a Paper Manufacturing Company, Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainability, Tainan, Taiwan, ID#EC200008.


1. 科研成果金奖(2022年),肇庆学院经管学院

2. 优秀指导教师(2019年),肇庆市创新创业大赛组委会


Ad hoc reviewer of Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (SSCI, Q1),

Ad hoc reviewer of PLOS ONE (SCI),

Ad hoc reviewer of Asian Business and Management (SSCI),

Ad hoc reviewer of Industrial Management & Data Systems (SCI),

Editorial Review Bord & Ad hoc reviewer of International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (ESCI, Scopus),

Ad hoc reviewer of International Journal of E-Business Research (ESCI, Scopus),

Ad hoc reviewer of International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (ESCI, Scopus),

Ad hoc reviewer of Advance in Science, Technology and Engineering System Journal (Scopus)



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